For the 70 million Employees who want to know their 401(k) Fees

Join "The Discussion"

401(k), The Podcast

"How a Tiny 1% 401(k) Fee Ate 42% of Suzie's Nestegg"

by "The Watchdog" | Season 1, Episode 1 - 7 Min Listen

Behind The Curtains, The Blog

401(k) Fees Are Controllable

Contrary to what you might think, performance is not driven by your financial advisor or even which mutual fund(s) you’re invested in. Your best "lever" for greater long-term gains is to take control of how much you are being charged every single day (Plan Fees), during your accumulation...

How and Where The Fees Are Hidden

Thanks to Tony Robbins and his 2017 New York Times Best Seller, Unshakeable, the word about inflated 401(k) Fees is out! However, Tony doesn’t tell you how and where the fees are actually hidden, or what you can do about them; so let’s start there. How...

Season 1 Clips: Modern Solutions

"Crypto Can Save Your Retirement"

by "The Watchdog" | Season 1, Episode 2

"How 401(k)'s Charge Fees, Daily"

by "The Watchdog" | Season 1, Episode 3

"The Robo-401(k)'s are Coming!"

by "The Watchdog" | Season 1, Episode 4

New Weekly Podcasts

Live Every Thursday @ 9am

How Employee Wellbeing Drives Profits | The Attack On The American Retirement Dream | Central Banking: The Business of “Trust Me” Relationships |​ Solo-K For Solo-preneurs  How Can I Buy Crypto With My 401(k)? | Money, The 2 Legged Beast That Controls Our Thoughts | Is My 401(k) Worth My Money? | Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing | The “401kFeeTrap” And How To Stay Out Of  It.

“The Watchdog”


Your Loyal Watchdog Has Your Retirement Interests at Heart.

– Easily Understand Your 401(k) Fees

– Find Out If You’re In The 401(k) Fee Trap

– Quickly Know Your 401(k) Fee Score™

401kFeeHero‘s Protect Our $7Trillion Right-to-Retire!

Become a 401kFeeHero

Be the first in your Organization to learn ways of getting out of the 401kFeeTrap.

Tools, Insights & Hacks

401kFeeScore, Form Letters to notify Co-Workers, Private Online Community, Podcast & Blog

Get Out of the 401kFeeTrap

If one of your Largest Assets is in “The Trap”, your Tax Benefits are being eaten-up by phantom value.
Learn how to eliminate Unnecessary/Hidden Plan Fees, quickly and easily!

Meet The Watchdog

401kFeeHero‘s are invited to online Events and Meet-n-Greets with The Watchdog. No Charge, Ever!

Are you stuck in the “401kFeeTrap“?

Watch the video and find out in the next few minutes…

3-Steps to Protect Your Right-to-Retire:


Accept the "401kFeeChallenge"

Find out if you're stuck in the "401kFeeTrap"

“Follow The Mission to expose and eliminate $70 Billion a year of hidden 401(k) Fees, so that America can fulfill It’s Retirement Dreams!”

The 401(k) Watchdog™ and its Affiliates do not provide any investment advice. All information is for general financial education purposes only. All Trademarks, Marks, and Logos are wholly owned by NetWellth LLC, a Florida Company. ®All rights reserved, 2022 and beyond.